Keller Williams Inspire Realty - Claire Barrett
Claire Barrett
Keller Williams Inspire Realty
Kingston, ON
Licenza #: 4778726 - ON / Broker of Record a Claire Barrett at Barrett Realty Advantage
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CENTRO MERCATO Keller Williams Inspire Realty

Su di me

Claire moved to Ontario from Montreal when she attended Western University for her degree in Economics and Geography. With a focus on communication and market knowledge, Claire has a passion for providing the best results for her clients. She integrates her previous experience as a licensed financial planner into her clients search for the right real estate solution. By getting the best results for buyers, sellers and investors, Claire was awarded Double Platinum recognition from Keller Williams International by her second year in real estate. Claire s dedication to the success of others has produced an amazing team of contractors, inspectors, mortgage brokers, stagers, lawyers, and other critical team members to the real estate transaction and beyond. Any client of Barrett Realty Advantage is a client for life! At her core, Claire values honesty, integrity and accountability in her relationships with family, friends and clients. With three teenagers, her goal is to make the world a better place for them at every opportunity. In her spare time, Claire loves to travel and experience different cultures so she can appreciate the communities we are fortunate to live in even more. Barrett Realty Advantage - for uplifting and supportive real estate service!

My Preferred Vendors
A curated selection of vendors that I trust and recommend for various services. Discover reliable businesses that offer exceptional quality and a commitment to excellence.
My Preferred Vendors
I've worked with exceptional businesses and service providers. If you need information or recommendations for lenders, contractors, remodelers, and more, please don't hesitate to reach out.
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Claire Barrett
Numero di licenza: 4778726
Claire Barrett at Barrett Realty Advantage

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Keller Williams Inspire Realty
650 Cataraqui Woods Dr, Box 102 Kingston, ON K7P 2Y4

Claire Barrett
Broker of Record 4778726
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